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Medical Plastics has extensive experience in the production of technical medical products. We manufacture and assemble high quality, precision medical components in a clean environment.


Excellent systems, quality control and professional staff are fundamental to effective production. High precision is made simple with electric machines, robotics and a controlled working environment with filtered positive air pressure and temperature and humidity control.

This is the ideal environment for manufacturing medical grade products.

We have a long association with Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.  We continue to nurture and develop relationships with large corporate Medical, Pharmaceutical and Animal Health companies.

Plastic technical manufacturing for medical use
Excellent systems, quality control
medical plastics Auckland

Our footprint

Medical Plastics currently on-sell 89% of material waste for recycling and repurposing into lower grade industrial and consumer products and we are constantly striving to improve this percentage.  We are also a member of Operation Clean Sweep which is a program designed to prevent resin pellet, flake and powder loss and help keep this material out of the marine environment.

“Many potential entrepreneurs are frightened about taking their idea forward to production and marketing. We can reduce this barrier by introducing economic and super fast pre-production tooling, partnering with you to take your ideas to the next step with minimal outlay.”

John Fowler | Medical Plastics